Tuesday, November 12, 2013


It seems the biggest challenge we face as we go down this path is dealing with the 'stuff'. For me it's mostly physical and logistical, for Beth probably a lot more emotional, but we both are having to deal with a lot of stuff. It's amazing how much stuff we accumulate in a lifetime. Of course with a large house there is a lot of space to fill, and we've been very successful. What do you do with all the things you've aquired in 30 years of marriage, and raising three children? What is worth keeping? What do you want to pass along? What are the milestones and memories associated with it? So many physical things to deal with, most of which can be handled practically - until you attach emotional value to them. Jesus taught us to be satisfied with the basics - food and shelter - and Father who loves us and cares for us more than we can know would provide - does provide. So I ask myself; how have I come to have and 'need' so much, and why is it so hard to part with it? Sometimes I wonder is part of the excitement about what we're doing because I feel like it will shed some of the 'stuff' burden? Is it escapism? Where we're going, Cameroon and Uganda, life seems so much simpler, at least compared to what we're used to. Is that what I hope for? Ironically, the people whose lives we hope to be a part of would love to have the stuff I'd like to be rid of. A major part of the YWAM philosophy is to trust God. As the planning and preparation don't go as anticipated, I have no choice but to try to embrace that. 54 years of doing it differently is hard to change. There's a lot of elephant left, but "It's all gonna be okay".

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Getting started...

Not going to be much here. Just trying get the blog set up so that we can keep those who want to know updated as we set out on the very exciting chapter pf our life that is part of our "wild goose chase". We both hope to use this, but those who know me know that I am challenged by technology, including cell phones, computers, and this iPad! Your patience and prayers are appreciated... About the names for our blog: They come from the book "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson which I highly recommend, and which contributed to our decision to move ahead with what we believe God is calling us to. Here is what he has to say about responsible irresponsibility: "Sometimes the will of God feels downright irresponsible. You are called to make a decision or take a course of action that seems to make no sense. And if you do it, the people closest to you may think you are crazy. Even Jesus' family felt that way about Him. But responsible irresponsibility means refusing to allow your human responsibilities to get in the way of pursuing the passions God puts in your heart." Don't hold your breath, but stay tuned....