Saturday, November 21, 2015


November is more than half way gone; the time is passing quickly as we continue to be busy.  While we have not begun construction of a new building, there are enough ‘projects’ and needs around the base to give us practical experience in the construction techniques here.

Modifying an existing building, or remodeling as we would call it at home, sometimes presents more challenges than new construction, but we’ve managed with good results.  The three larger projects we’ve taken on are:  modifying the farm storerooms into a workshop, adding a porch and doorway to one of the buildings, and dividing a small space for better use as a toilet and cleaning closet.  There have been plenty of mistakes, or as I see it opportunities for learning, and so far the end results have been good.  Since the construction is of brick and concrete it’s new to me as well, so I’ve been learning much along with our students.  What I bring is the confidence to willingly ‘take it on’, and we’re beginning to see some of that confidence building in the students also.

We’re in the midst of a heavy rainy season.  Great for growing, especially since it came late and many who rely on growing were very worried, but challenging when doing construction.  Moving materials and tools around through the mud and tall grass, and scheduling the building around the rains can be difficult.  Concrete and mortar are mixed on the ground using the local hoes and shovels, then carried by whatever means to the point of use.  Then we hope for a few hours of drying before it rains again.  Some of our sand has been washed away, and we lost part of the stairs we’d made to a downpour, but these also become opportunities for learning. Much of what I’m trying to teach is planning and preparation and local conditions are part of it.

The students have become a valuable part of the base community, participating in activities and making friends with students and staff from other schools.  There have been some friendly futbol matches with the DTS (gone for outreach now), some are singing with the worship team, and of course we all do our part with work and kitchen duties.  Beth and I are not only the only teaching staff, but also the ‘parents’ to the guys, and the ones who they come to for most of their personal needs as well.  We also find ourselves playing that role to many others on the base as the relationships formed in the last year have grown.  It sometimes puts us into situations we’d not expected, but we knew much of what we’ve come here for were those relationships.

Next month we will be travelling home for time with family and friends for the holidays.  It comes during a break between school terms (plus a few days on either side).  We’re looking forward to that time, and I’ll even try to enjoy the cold weather which I’m no longer used to…

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