Monday, February 10, 2014


First, I had a lengthy descriptive post all typed, but when I changed positions it was all lost.  Frustration of this internet, but hopefully to be resolved soon...But that's not why I'm embarrassed, I'm embarrassed for what we brought:  Four overstuffed large bags (the last two arrived today, bet those around me are glad) filled with clothes and items we definitely won't use.  We could have easily got by w/carry on's and possibly one suitcase, I think.  The other students haven't arrived yet.  Four are coming from DR Congo, and must travel by road thru Central African Republic, which is extremely dangerous right now.  The two boys are in Younde, the capital of Cameroon, but must wait til Wed to obtain their visas as this is Cameroon Youth Week, a national holiday.  The Congolese girls haven't left home yet due to the danger, and it's yet to be seen if they will.  I'll update on the team and the living arrangements once they are established.  Meanwhile we will start DTS tomorrow w/whomever is here.

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